Portfolio Reviews!

Hello, hello…time for an update!

If you’re in the US you may be eating a turkey sandwich right now. Or like me, mushroom wellington & cranberry sauce, yum. Whatever you’re up to, or eating, we thought it’d be a good time to fill you in on our upcoming giveaway of portfolio reviews!

When we were planning and building the Secret Treehouse we thought often of how we could connect with and support our lovely newsletter subscribers. We decided, among other things, reviewing portfolios and giving advice and feedback could be really helpful and appreciated so that’s what we’re doing!

This December, we’re giving away four portfolio reviews to randomly selected newsletter subscribers. These reviews will be done over Zoom in early 2022 with one (or possibly two) of us from the Treehouse. You’ll be able to send us materials beforehand so we can give you thoughtful feedback and have an engaging conversation that will hopefully give you a lift and gentle push in the right direction.

We’ll announce the winners on our Instagram page and stories, and will also contact the winners directly. Since we’ll randomly draw a new name each week from our subscriber list, you will have plenty of opportunities to win a review. If this sounds like fun to you, make sure to sign up for our newsletter! That’s all you have to do to take part. Also, we’ll have a special announcement later in December, so you can follow us on Instagram so you won’t miss it.

So tell us, what kinds of things would you like to have in a portfolio review, and/or what type of advice would you like to receive from us? Are you curious about agents, or color palettes, or how to level up in your work? Are you curious about traditional media, character design, or storytelling? We’d really like to hear these things. Please let us know in the comments!

And also, be sure to share this with a friend! We’d love to grow the Secret Treehouse into a place where we can offer lots of resources and build a lovely community of creatives.

Just the details: 4 Portfolio Review Giveaways, chosen randomly from our newsletter subscribers every week for four weeks, starting December 7th. We’ll contact the winners directly and also post on our Instagram feed/stories. You only need to subscribe to our newsletter to have a chance at winning!


Let’s do it together : Handmade Sketchbook (Video)


Tutorial: Watercolor Sketching